Alpha Linux AppStore

For Alpha Linux, the software here can be used on Linux with libc version not older than 2.7.
Following environment variable needs be set when you want install the packages:

The wzsgWEBSELinux.setup is built on RHEL6.6, is for Linux servers that have SELinux setup in enforced mode. But due to SELinux policy is very vendor and version based, it may need being changed for different version of OS.

    64-bit version

  • appRCadm-1.1_Debian-Linux_NOFA.alpha-m64-libc-2.7.wzpkg  
  • md5: dd573bc72367fef96ea144f1fb8f0ed3
    cksum: 2522034074 224997
  • asftp-3.3_Debian-Linux_NOFA.alpha-m64-libc-2.7.wzpkg  
  • md5: abecfe9ab5531c00f2e6b390392cacc2
    cksum: 642415387 396808
  • assh-3.2_Debian-Linux_NOFA.alpha-m64-libc-2.7.wzpkg  
  • md5: 6395d68389591d880a1825b78ce51e55
    cksum: 228964998 499398
  • CaclMgr-5.5_Debian-Linux_NOFA.alpha-m64-libc-2.7.wzpkg  
  • md5: 13f2ab1a1acae8ee8402c1ef62556389
    cksum: 3116193306 1076736
  • fcrypt-3.2_Debian-Linux_NOFA.alpha-m64-libc-2.7.wzpkg  
  • md5: 49af7a1f3114069cd00a4a84b531c55f
    cksum: 1264440591 730567
  • hc-1.0_Debian-Linux_NOFA.alpha-m64-libc-2.7.wzpkg  
  • md5: 4266726044da28b4b23b9cdc8e00ecab
    cksum: 2962419690 223903
  • ssh_rundirect-3.3_Debian-Linux_NOFA.alpha-m64-libc-2.7.wzpkg  
  • md5: 7200ac3f25f845bc04b2f8a1d3b3f53f
    cksum: 2105832013 408697
  • wzappkey2.5_Debian-Linux_NOFA.alpha-m64-libc-2.7.wzpkg  
  • md5: 09162764ec1b63bccaaf8f0af6e39237
    cksum: 3561714171 90236
  • wzpkgadm1.3_Debian-Linux_NOFA.alpha-m64-libc-2.7.wzpkg  
  • md5: bf4019e8e9cbdff3a26e87df18d525f7
    cksum: 3250269342 212645
  • wzsg-5.3_Debian-Linux_NOFA.alpha-m64-libc-2.7.sec.wzpkg  
  • md5: c26b72b459d06f151e082b4b7ab6accc
    cksum: 2343220144 7444458
  • wzsgWEB5.3.tar  
  • md5: 81d59d76efe7e4994f6841a55e0062c1
    cksum: 482249719 51200
  • wzshRUN-6.0_Debian-Linux_NOFA.alpha-m64-libc-2.7.wzpkg  
  • md5: 0f6c2c4c8ed35be8e6cc997bbf5703ac
    cksum: 89307470 395846
  • wzshSDK-6.0_Debian-Linux_NOFA.alpha-m64-libc-2.7.wzpkg  
  • md5: 5804259572e00f03c1fbc4ed64aa1776
    cksum: 1104415261 241666

    To further check the integrity of the software packages, please see the "SHA384 CheckSum" page under the App Store.